Saturday, March 10, 2007

Stop It, Stop It Now!

At my school programs I offer advice to students that are being bullied. I remind them that if they use their fists or use aggressive behavior in any way they will more than likely end up in the Principal's office. I tell them the best way to handle a bully is to look them in the eyes and tell them to STOP IT, STOP IT NOW! If you don't stop it I will tell someone. I explain that you must use eye contact, without it the bully will not take you seriously.

There was a young lady with curly hair, freckles and thick glasses. She was being teased everyday by a boy on the bus. One day she looked him in the eyes and screamed "Stop it, Stop it Now! The bus became quiet and the girl just looked him in the eyes. The bus driver shouted on her microphone, "It there a problem?" the girl continued to stair him in the eyes and said, "Is there a problem? " The boy put his head down shook it back and forth and mumbled "No."

They only way someone will help the victim is if she helps herself first. The best thing you can share with your students or your children is to keep their head up high and know that no one has the right to hurt them or make fun of them in anyway.

Copyright Richard Paul 2007
Have a comment or suggestion feel free to email me at

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