Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My Son's A Bully!

Recently I presented my Stop The Bullying training program for a PTA event.
When I was explaining what we should do if we find out our child is a bully one of the attendees raised her hand and shared with us that her son was a bully. She also explained what she does to help him realize how his victim feels when he bully's him

She role plays with her son having him play the victim and she plays the role of the bully.
Then they stops and she asks him how it feels when someone make fun of him or pushes him all the time. She also explains what a bully is so he can see the difference between having fun and hurting someones feelings.

For more information visit my web site at www.richardpaul.com
or call us at 800-579-8051

If you have a story you would like to share on this blog email me at richard@richardpaul.com

Self-esteem is a great defence tool for victims of a bully order Richard's Duck Sense CD for tips on how to build your child's self-esteem and improve their life. www.ducksense.com

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