Friday, April 20, 2007

Understanding why bully's bully

Hi Richard,

My name is Kim Nuxhall (Mr.) and I'm an elementary character/p.e. teacher in Fairfield, Ohio. Just wanted to add my comments/experiences on dealing with bullying.

I work with my elementary kids on a couple of things:
1. Understanding first what bullying is.

2. Understanding "why" bullies bully. I explain to them that bully's are actually very scared people and unhappy with themselves inside. That something has happened or is happening to them that has made them unhappy and scared inside.

So.....I tell my students when they are being bullied to look at the person and tell them that you are sorry they are not very happy inside. Also.....I tell my students to "Use the Wall" and imagine an invisible thick wall around your self that only lets the good words in and the bad stuff can't penetrate. Finally....I talk to them allot about not giving the bully any power over them to get them upset, which is what the bully wants to get.....power over them.

Keep up your good work,

Kim Nuxhall

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